Thursday, April 1, 2010

365 Project

On my 30th birthday I'll be starting a 365 project and I'll be using Shuttercal. In case you haven't heard, a 365 project (and it goes by many names) is when you take a picture every day for one year. Shuttercal also has a cool shoebox thing you can purchase at the end.  

I'm excited and nervous to start.  What if I start thinking my life is too lame or boring? What if I forget my camera and something awesome happens? (Although with a cell phone I should be able to always make do.) 

Wish me luck! 


  1. Good for you Monica!
    Don't be nervous. I think you'll find taking a picture every day actually helps you to seek out interest things. Have a great birthday!

  2. That's what I'm hoping. I've been wanting to do it for a few months (inspired by a friend) but I decided with my 30th approaching it would be a good day to start. I'll check out your shuttercal

  3. I've never heard of this before! but I am thoroughly intrigued...

  4. Monica, there is no way your life could ever be boring. First of all, look who you're married to. Secondly, you always have the best ideas for fun, so I'll be surprised if even one of your 365 photos are boring. You're a great photographer. You can make the dullest thing look awesome. No worries.

  5. @Stacy. I never heard of it until I saw a friend's album either. @Alison, awww thanks. Hopefully this project will make me appreciate moments and not regret the project!

  6. Monica,
    I never heard of such a project, but it sounds like something you would be great at. I hope you go through with it so I can see all your great pictures. You're the best photographer I know!

  7. how can i compete with these compliments? just because your life might be lame, doesn't mean your pictures will be! - u.
