Sunday, January 10, 2010

Classic Grant


Tommy's and my nephew decided to show up early! Welcome to the family little Grant :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Alison's Vase

Alison requested a vase for Christmas and of course I was more than thrilled to oblige. I ordered precut tiles from Ebay and I strayed from my usual color pallet (which I hope she liked.) The tiles were Van Gogh copper and Van Gogh green. They are called Van Gogh because of the pattern on the tile.

I spend most of Sarah's 30th birthday making it. Thanks for not being able to drink Sarah or I don't know when I would have finished it!


What happened to December?

Time has been flying by these past few weeks! It's a Christmas miracle I've finished all my shopping THREE whole days before Christmas, this has never happened in all my shopping years. Although we were still waiting on 3 gifts in the mail up until the day before, that snowstorm in Philly I think caused some delays, eek!

The office holiday party at the Witherspoon Grill Restaurant in Princeton was fabulous. The food was great and everyone had a great time. Since I'm the one that organized it (not that organizing consists of much more than finding a place and making a reservation but whatever) I'm always nervous on how it will work out.

Somehow we pulled off Secret Santa at work. It doesn't sound difficult but when it's participants are comprised of 90% men it's not so easy. I did come home with Monster #2 though :) 

Next post coming up are projects I swear!