Was August really my last post?? Sadly, I'm reporting I quit the 365 project. I did pretty well at taking a picture everyday but it was just too frustrating. My "mentor" tried to get me to make the 6 month mark but I was sick 2 days in a row and never left the house and decided to officially quit. It was relatively liberating.
Bowling for Boobies was fantastic! Thank you so much to everyone that enduring my begging and harassment. I raised $777.52 and the whole event raised I believe over $11,000 for the charity. We came in second place. Oh yeah more importantly I bowled a TWENTY FIVE. I didn't play that badly on my 30th birthday.
I'm looking into beginning a new venture soon with Stella & Dot. I'm hosting a party for stylist next week and might attend an informational session. I've been looking for something like this to do on the side for quite sometime so :fingers crossed: that I like the company and what it offers.
St. Patrick’s Day Crossword
3 days ago